Welcome to Third Space Fitness

A small, exclusive boutique facility with a limited membership allows us to dedicate our attention to getting to know each of our members individually and tailor our care to meet their specific needs expertly. Our distinct environment ensures a seamless indoor/outdoor experience, allowing an abundance of natural light to flood the space and provide you with your necessary dose of Vitamin D for an overall sense of well-being and vitality.

Swipe card access allows training when it suits you, giving you the flexibility to work out at your convenience. Our team of experienced personal trainers is available to provide that extra guidance and support needed to help you achieve your training goals. Additionally, you can also explore our small group training program, which is designed to deliver great results in a supportive and motivating environment.

"Transform Your Health And Fitness Today! With our expert guidance and tailored programs, you can take the first step towards a healthier, fitter you. Start your journey to a better lifestyle with our supportive community and proven strategies. It's time to prioritize your well-being and make lasting changes for a happier, healthier future."

Join Us for your Free Discovery call and Assessment"